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Risultati 1-20 di 194

L' Afghanistan

geographie, histoire, ethnographie, voyages

  • Furon, Raymond

La géographie de l'Afghanistan

étude d'un pays aride

  • Humlum, Johannes

The second Afghan war, 1878-80

offical account, produced in the Intelligence branch army headquarters, India

  • Metcalfe MacGregor, Charles Sir


histoire, description, moeurs et coutumes, folklore, fouilles

  • Dollot, René

Viaggio in Afganistan

32 illustrazioni fuori testo

  • Tanzi, Gastone

The monuments of Afghanistan

history, archaeology and architecture

  • Ball, Warwick

Crime de silence et crime de tapage

panorama des lectures sur l'Afghanistan contemporain

  • Vercellin, Giorgio

Le guerre afgane

  • Breccia, Gastone 1962-

The good war

Nato and the liberal conscience in Afghanistan

  • Williams, M. J. 1979-


l'islam afghano dalla tradizione alla radicalizzazione talibana, 871-2001

  • Degli Abbati, Carlo

War and society in Afghanistan

from the Mughals to the Americans, 1500-2013

  • Roy, Kaushik

A long goodbye

the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan

  • Kalinovsky, Artemy M.

Il ritorno di un re

la battaglia per l'Afghanistan

  • Dalrymple, Willia 1965-

Air Power Against Terror

America's conduct of operation Enduring Freedom

  • Lambeth, Benjamin S.

Empires of mud

war and warlords in Afghanistan

  • Giustozzi, Antonio

Risultati 1-20 di 194