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Risultati 60-80 di 276

Le son et la musique

suivis de Causes Physiologiues de l'harmonie musicale

  • Blaserna, Pietro

Frontiers in physical acoustic

proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi", XCIII course, Varenna on lake Como, 10-20 July 1984

  • International school of physics "Enrico Fermi" 93 Varenna 1984

Dispersion and absorption of sound by molecular processes

proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi", XXVII course, Varenna on lake Como, August 6-18, 1962

  • International school of physics "Enrico Fermi" 27. Varenna 1962

Accordatura ed audizioni

tesi di laurea

  • Bini, Claudio

Ultrasonic physics

  • Richardson, Edward Gick

Acoustique, vibrations et chocs

  • International Standard Organisation

First French Conference on Acoustics

ICPI Lyon, April 10-13, 1990

  • Congrès français d'acoustique 1 Lyon 1990

Riproduzione sonora Hi-Fi

acustica degli ambienti, psicoacustica, stereofonia e quadrafonia, apparecchiature per la riproduzione del suono

  • Biondo, Giuseppe

A textbook of sound

  • Wood, Albert Beaumont

Proceedings of the 3rd international congress on acoustics

Stuttgart, 1959.. Vol. 1: principles

  • International congress on acoustics 3. Stuttgart 1959

Sound pulses

  • Friedlander, Friedrich Gerard

Proceedings of the 3rd international congress on acoustics

Stuttgart, 1959. Vol. 2: applications

  • International congress on acoustics 3. Stuttgart 1959