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Risultati 1-14 di 14

La crescita e i suoi disturbi

  • Marañón, Gregorio 1887-1960

Evo-Devo of child growth

treatise on child growth and human evolution

  • Hochberg, Ze'ev

Long-term consequences of early environment

growth, development and the lifespan developmental perspective

Human growth

a comprehensive treatise

Accrescimento e senescenza [+]

  • Levi, Giuseppe 1872-1965


dal feto all'uomo : la crescita fisica dal concepimento alla maturita

  • Tanner, James Mourilyan

Auxology 94

children and youth at the end of the 20. century : invited and selectyed papers from the 7. International congress of auxology, Szombathely, Hungary, June 1994

  • International congress of auxology Szombathely 1994

Long bone growth in infants and children

assessment of the nutritional status

  • Walimbe, Subhash R.

Risultati 1-14 di 14