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Risultati 20-40 di 2070

Elementary text-book of zoology

  • Claus, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm 1835-1899

Text book of zoology

  • Boas, Johan Erik Verti

Researches in zoology

illustrative of the structure, habits, and economy of animals

  • Blackwall, John

Wirbellose tiere

Teil 2, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Meseozoa, Platheminthes, Nemertini, Entoprocta, Nemathelminthes, Priapulida / Kaestner, Alfred

Anatomical imaging

towards a new morphology

Hyménoptères vespiformes III

(Cleptidae, Chrysidae, Trigonalidae)

  • Berland, Lucien

Anatomia degli animali da laboratorio

roditori e lagomorfi : sistematica e storia naturale, anatomia macroscopica, anatomia microscopica, principi di legislazione, medicina, etica e benessere, bibliografia specialistica

The mechanism of life

in relation to modern physical theory

  • Johnstone, James


  • Brehm, Alfred Edmund