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Risultati 40-60 di 111


  • Williams, Howel

Die Azoren

Zur Petrographie der Azoren

  • Friedlaender, Immanuel


  • Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich

Sull' origine dei vulcani

studio sperimentale

  • Gorini, Paolo

Crater Lake

the story of its origin

  • Williams, Howel

Mountains of fire

the nature of volcanoes

  • Decker, Robert

Behavior of volatiles in arc volcanism

geochemical and petrologic evidence from active volcanoes in Indonesia

  • Hoog, Jan C. M.: de


their properties, uses, hydrology, and resources

Volcanic textures

a guide to the interpretation of textures in volcanic rocks

  • McPhie, J.


  • Bardintzeff, Jacques Marie