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Risultati 300-320 di 2299

Handbuch der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichteim 20. Jahrhundert

Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel

Constitutional law of the EU’s common foreign and security policy

competence and institutions in external relations

  • Butler, Graham

L'Europa allo specchio

identità, cittadinanza, diritti

L'Unione europea alla ricerca dei propri confini

i criteri politici di adesione e il ruolo dei nuovi stati membri

  • Cerruti, Tanja

European Integration

a Political History

  • Gilbert, Mark

The European Monetary Union

Europe at the crossroads

  • Acocella, Nicola 1939-

Il Parlamento della Comunità europea

legittimità e riforma

  • Bardi, Luciano

The intergovernmental conference on political union

institutional reforms, new policies and international identity of the European Community

Civil jurisdiction and judgments in Europe

proceedings of the colloquium on the interpretation of the Brussels Convention by the Court of justice considered in the context of the european judicial area. Luxembourg, 11 and 12 March 1991.- London [etc.] : Butterworths, 1992

Primus Inter Pares

the European court and National courts : the follow-up by National courts of preliminary rulings ex Art. 177 uf the treaty of Rome : a report on the situation in the Netherlands

Il Trattato di Maastricht sull'Unione europea

genesi, struttura, contenuto, processo di ratifica

  • Curti Gialdino, Carlo