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Risultati 20-40 di 103

Evolución tectónica de la Cordillera de la Costa de Antofagasta (Chile)

con especial referencia a las deformaciones sinmagmáticas del Jurásico-Cretácico inferior

  • González López, Gabriel

Kinematik und Dynamik des neogenen Falten- und Deckengürtels in Sizilien

Quantifizierung neotektonischer Deformationsprozesse in der zentralmediterranen Afro-Europäischen Konvergenzzone

  • Adam, Jürgen

Argentine Precordillera

sedimentary and plate tectonic history of a Laurentian crustal fragment in South America

  • Keller, Martin geologo

The mid-oceanic ridges [+]

mountains below sea level

  • Nicolas, Adolphe

Neogene to recent tectonics evolution of the Central Mediterranean

an integrated paleomagnetic approach

  • Duermeijer, Charon E.

Faults, fluids and friction

effects of pressure solution and phyllosilicates slip behaviour, with implications for crustal rheology

  • Bos, Bart