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Risultati 320-340 di 1381

Galassia Internet

  • Castells, Manuel

Arbitration in air, space and telecommunications law

enforcing regulatory measures : papers emanating from the third PCA international law seminar, February 23, 2001

  • Permanent Court of Arbitration International Law Seminar 3. The Hague 2001

The death of distance

how the communications revolution is changing our lives

  • Cairncross, Frances

Laboratorio 1

telemisure di sistemi di telecomunicazioni basati su DSP

  • Andrisano, Oreste

Communication structures

  • Smith, Brian Ward 1937-

Modern electrical communications

analog, digital, and optical systems

  • Stark, Henry

When old technologies were new

thinking about electric communication in the late nineteenth century

  • Mervin, Carolyn


how the free Arab news network scooped the world and changed the Middle East

  • el-Nawawy, Mohammed

Red book

8. plenary assembly, Malaga-Torremolinos, 1984

  • International telegraph and telephone consultative committee

Global communications since 1844

geopolitics and technology

  • Hugill, Peter J.