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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 140-160 di 742

Standards, innovation and competitiveness

the politics and economics of standards in natural and technical environments

Athena cyborg

per una geografia dell'espressione: corpo, territorio, metropoli

  • Villani, Tiziana

Cambiamento tecnologico e labour skills

analisi degli effetti qualitativi del cambiamento tecnologico sulle risorse umane

  • Rossi, Luca 1967-

Industrial espionage and technology transfer

Britain and France in the eighteenth century

  • Harris, John R.

The digital dialectic

new essays on new media

Paradise restored

the mechanical arts from antiquity through the thirteenth century

  • Whitney, Elspeth

Mathematical methods for scientists and engineers

linear and nonlinear systems

  • Kahn, Peter B.

Technology and organization

power, meaning and design

  • Scarbrough, Harry 1955-

Dominating knowledge

development, culture, and resistance

Forces of production

a social history of industrial automation

  • Noble, David F.

Historical evolutions of infrastructure

15,000 years of history

  • Fertis, Demeter G.

Il nuovo Golem

televisione e media tra simulacri e simulazione

  • Berger, René

Il trasferimento di tecnologia nel diritto internazionale privato

licenza e cessione di privative industriali e know-how

  • Cortese, Bernardo 1971-

European historiography of technology

proceedings from the TISC-Conference in Roskilde