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Risultati 420-440 di 1132

I trend globali 2001

futuro, società e ambiente : selezione da Vital signs 2001

  • Worldwatch institute

Lo sviluppo economico moderno

dalla rivoluzione industriale alla crisi energetica, 1750-1973

The analysis of household surveys

a microeconometric approach to development policy

  • Deaton, Angus

Capitalism, socialism, and serfdom

essays by Evsey D. Domar

  • Domar, Evsey D.

Growth, productivity, unemployment

essays to celebrate Bob Solow's birthday

Sviluppo a tutti i costi?

il futuro della economia mondiale e il feticcio della crescita senza limiti

  • Hamilton, Clive 1953-

The flexible economy

causes and consequences of the adaptability of national economies

Entrepreneurship and the transformation of the economy

10th-20th centuries : essays in honour of Herman Van der Wee

Global environmental problems and international environmental agreements

the economics of international institution building

  • Swanson, Timothy

Choice of techniques

an aspect of the theory of planned economic development

  • Sen, Amartya K.

Themes in development economics

essays on method, peasants and government