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Risultati 120-140 di 220

D-sessions: Recent doctoral research in economic history

  • International economic history congress 10. Lovanio 1990

Lezioni di storia economica [+]

problemi e discussioni

  • Sapori, Armando

Debates and controversies in economic history

Proceedings twelfth international economic history congress : [ A]

  • International economic history congress 12. Madrid 1998

Living economic and social history [+]

historians explain their interest in, and the nature of, their subject : essays to mark the 75. anniversary of the Economic history society

Proceedings tenth international economic history congress

Leuven, August 1990

  • International economic history congress 10. Leuven 1990

The great depression

an inquiry into the causes, course, and consequences of the worldwide depression of the nineteen-thirties, as seen by the contemporaries and in the light of history

  • Garraty, John Arthur 1920-

The modern world-system

the second era of great expansion of the capitalist world-economy, 1730-1840s

  • Wallerstein, Immanuel

Melanges d'histoire economique et sociale

en hommage au professeur Antony Babel a l'occasion de son soixante-quinzieme anniversaire

Die technische revolution im 19. Jahrhundert

Der Ubergang zur industriellen Lebensweise

  • Franz-Willing, Georg

I. Trade and politics in the ancient world. Ii. Middle ages and modern times

vol. 2. ' frontespizio in francese e inglesé

  • Conference (ii) Internationale D' Histoire Economique. Aix-en -provence, 1962

Economia e società dell' Inghilterra medievale

Dal XII al XVI secolo.

  • Postan, Michael Moissey

La storia economica

  • Cipolla, Carlo M.<1922-2000>

Risultati 120-140 di 220