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Risultati 60-80 di 369

Colloquium on late-type stars

proceedings of the Colloquium held in Trieste, June 13-17, 1966

  • Colloquium on Late-type stars Trieste 1966

Effects of variable mass loss on the local stellar environment

Trieste-workshop series on nonlinear, nonequilibrium thermodynamics of open, nonthermal system in astronomy : 1983 workshop

Proceedings of the Japan-France seminar on active phenomena in the outer atmosphere of the sun and stars

Paris 3-7 October 1983

  • Japan-France Seminar on active phenomena in the outer atmosphere of the sun and stars Paris 1983

Activity and outer atmospheres of the sun and stars

11. advanced course of the Swiss society of astronomy and astrophysics

  • Praderie, Francoise

Les étoiles

notions d'astronomie sidérale : ouvrage illustré de 63 figures gravées sur bois, d'une carte céleste et d'une planche coloriée

  • Guillemin, Amédée

Aerodynamic phenomena in stellar atmospheres

procedings of the fourth symposium on cosmical gas dynamics, I.A.U. symposium n. 12 held at the International School of Physics E. Fermi, Villa Monastero, Varenna (Lake of Como) under the auspices of the Società Italiana di Fisica and with the financial assistance of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, August 18-30, 1960

  • International astronomical union

Mass loss and evolution of O-type stars

International astronomical union symposium no. 83, held at Vancouver Island, Canada, June 5-9, 1978

  • International astronomical union

Hydrogen-deficient stars

proceedings of a colloquium held in Bamberg, Germany, 28 august - 1 september 1995

Stars and star systems

proceedings of the fourth European regional meeting in astronomy, held in Uppsala, Sweden, 7-12 August, 1978

  • European regional meeting in astronomy 4. Uppsala 1978

Stellar clusters and associations

convection, rotation and dynamos : proceedings of a meeting held in Mondello, Palermo, Italy 25-28 May 1999

Star formation with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO)

meeting held in Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 June 1997

Asymptotic giant branch stars

proceedings of the 191. Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Montpellier, France, 27 August - 1 September 1998

Stars as suns

activity, evolution, and planets ; proceedings of the 219th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held during the IAU General Assembly XXV, Sydney, Australia, 21-25 July 2003

Modeling the stellar environment

how and why? : proceedings of the Fourth IAP astrophysics meeting in honor of Jean-Claude Pecker, June 28-30, 1988, Institut d'astrophysique de Paris

  • IAP astrophysics meeting 4. Parigi 1988