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Risultati 220-240 di 467

Theory of choice

  • Aizerman, Mark Aronovic

Bandit problems

sequential allocation of experiments

  • Berry, Donald A.

Primi passi in probabilità e statistica [+]

teoria ed esercizi

  • Scozzafava, Romano

Probabilità e statistica

un approccio interattivo con Excel

  • Battistini, Egidio

Business statistics

a decision-making approach

Corso di statistica

  • Kostoris, Alessandro

Kendallʼs advanced theory of statistics [+]

  • Kendall, Maurice George 1907-1983

Computer intensive statistical methods

validation model selection and bootstrap

  • Hjorth, J. S. Urban

Capire la statistica

concetti, teoria e pratica

  • Recchia, Martino

Statistical theory and modelling

in honour of sir David Cox, FRS

Elementary statistics laboratory manual

MS-DOS version

  • Spurrier, John D.