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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 40-60 di 332

Streaming audio e video

  • Pattarini, Francesco

Rules and rule markup languages for the semantic web

second International workshop, RuleML 2003, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, October 20, 2003 : proceedings

  • International workshop on rule markup languages 2. Sanibel Island, FL, USA 2003

Protocols and systems for interactive distributed multimedia

joint international workshops on interactive distributed multimedia systems and protocols for multimedia systems, IDMS/PROMS 2002, Coimbra, Portugal, November 26-29, 2002 : proceedings

  • International workshop on interactive distributed multimedia systems and protocols for multimediaservices Coimbra, Portugal 2002

ACM multimedia 2001 workshops

multimedia information retrieval : Ottawa, Canada, October 5, 2001

  • Multimedia information retrieval Ottawa, Canada 2001

Interactive distributed multimedia systems

8th international workshop, IDMS 2001, Lancaster, UK, September 4-7, 2001 : proceedings

  • International workshop on interactive distributed multimedia systems 8. Lancaster, England 2001

Rete retorica

prospettive retoriche della rete

Geographic information science

second international conference, GIScience 2002, Boulder, CO, USA, September 25-28, 2002 : proceedings

  • International conference on geographic information science 2. Boulder, CO, USA 2002

High-speed networks and multimedia communications

6th IEEE international conference, HSNMC 2003, Estoril, Portugal, July 23-25, 2003 : proceedings

  • IEEE international conference on high-speed networks and multimedia communications 6. Estoril, Portugal 2003


computing, communications and applications

  • Steinmetz, Ralf

Realtime web apps

with HTML5 websocket, PHP, and jQuery

  • Lengstorf, Jason


  • Spurlok, Jake

Multimedia information retrieval

metodologie ed esperienze internazionali di content-based retrieval per l'informazione e la documentazione

Content management

progettare, produrre e gestire i contenuti per il web

Axmedis 2005 [+]

proceedings of the 1. International conference on automated production of cross media content for multi-channel distribution : volume for workshops, industrial and applications sessions : Florence, Italy, 30 November-2 December 2005

  • International conference on automated production of cross media content for multi-channel distribution 1. Firenze 2005

Linee guida per la progettazione e realizzazione di un sito web per gli ordini professionali

convenienza, opportunità, istruzioni all'uso per i non professionisti dei siti Web

Web design con Bootstrap

guida allo sviluppo di interfacce responsive

  • Giacchina, Vincenzo

Usabilità dei siti web

curare l'esperienza d'uso in Internet

  • Visciola, Michele