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Risultati 660-680 di 1205

Forme della testualita

teoria, modelli, storia e prospettive : Atti del XXVIII convegno dell'Associazione italiana di studi semiotici (A.I.S.S.), Castiglioncello, 6-8 ottobre 2000

L'obvie et l'obtus

Essais critiques 3.

  • Barthes, Roland

De la syntaxe a la pragmatique

actes du colloque de Rennes

Elemente einer Semiologie des Hörens und Sprechens

zum kommunikationstheoretischen Ansatz Ferdinand de Saussures

  • Linda, Markus

La pragmatique

histoire et critique

  • Latraverse, Francois

When listeners talk [+]

response tokens and listener stance

  • Gardner, Rod

Evidentiality and epistemological stance [+]

narrative retelling

  • Mushin, Ilana

Objects of all sorts

a philosophical grammar

  • Descombes, Vincent

Semiosis, marginal signs and trickster

a dagger of the mind

  • Spinks, C. W.

The pragmatics of literature

  • Pagnini, Marcello 1921-

Semiotica Sovietica

Sowjetische Arbeiten der Moskauer und Tartuer Schule zu sekundaren modellbildenden Zeichensystemen (1962-1973)

Content analysis [+]

an introduction to its methodology

  • Krippendorff, Klaus

Knowledge through signs [+]

ancient semiotic theories and practices

Possibilities and limitations of pragmatics

proceedings of the Conference on Pragmatics : Urbino, July 8-14, 1979

  • Conference on pragmatics Urbino 1979

Richards on rethoric

I. A. Richards, selected essays (1929-1974)

  • Richards, Ivor Amstrong 1893-1979

Ob iskusstve [+]

struktura hudozestvennogo teksta : semiotika kino i problemy kinoestetiki : stat'i; zametki; vystuplenija (1962-1993)

  • Lotman, Jurij Mihajlovič