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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 420-440 di 1071


a nonparametric approach to statistical inference

  • Mooney, Christopher Z.

Typologies and taxonomies

an introduction to classification techniques

  • Bailey, Kenneth D.

Learning in the field

an introduction to qualitative research

  • Rossman, Gretchen B.

Social and political philosophy

a contemporary introduction

  • Christman, John

Latent class and discrete latent trait models

similarities and differences

  • Heinen, Ton

Philosophy of social science

the methods, ideals, and politics of social inquiry

  • Root, Michael

Chaos, catastrophe and human affairs

applications of nonlinear dynamics to work, organizations, and social evolution

  • Guastello, Stephen J.

Advances in social network analysis

research in the social and behavioral sciences

Structural equation modeling with EQS and EQS/Windows

basic concepts, applications, and programming

  • Byrne, Barbara M.