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Risultati 1-20 di 1071

Science and human values

  • Bronowski, Jacob 1908-1974

Sozialwissenschaften und staat

Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland 1870-1980

  • Wagner, Peter

Growing artificial societies

social science from the bottom up : a product of the 2050 project, a collaborative effort of the Brookings Institution, the Santa Fe Institute, and the World Resources Institute

  • Epstein, Joshua M.

Folla e politica

cultura filosofica, ideologia, scienze sociali in Italia e Francia a fine ottocento

Philosophie des sciences sociales

Précédé de A propos d'un livre imaginaire

  • Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix

Writing in the dark

phenomenological studies in interpretive inquiry

  • Van Manen, Max

Doing a literature review

releasing the social science research imagination

  • Hart, Chris

Risultati 1-20 di 1071