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Risultati 140-160 di 877

Prague perspectives 1.

the history of East central Europa and Russia : on the occasion of the 25. anniversary of the death of Jan Slavik

Ot Rusi k Rossii

ocerki etniceskoj istorii

  • Gumilev, Lev Nikolaevic

Russkij avangard v krugu evropejskoj kultury

mezdunarodnaja konferencija : tezisy i materialy

Reforming rural Russia

state, local society, and national politcs, 1855-1914

  • Wcislo, Francis William

Religion and society in Russia

the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

  • Bushkovitch, Paul

Iz proslogo russkoj mysli

  • Florovskij, Georgij Vasilʹevič

The crisis of medieval Russia [+]


  • Fennell, J. L. I.

Besedy o russkoj kulture

byt i tradicii russkogo dvorjanstva : 18.-nacalo 19. veka

  • Lotman, Jurij Mihajlovič

Dve istorii Rusi 15. veka

rannie i pozdnie, nezavisimye i ofičialnye letopisi ob obrazovanii Moskovskogo gosudarstva

  • Lurʹe, Jakov Solomonovič

Forward to the past?

new/old theatres of Russia's international projection

Pretenders and popular monarchism in early modern Russia

the false tsars of the Time of Troubles

  • Perrie, Maureen

Die Transformation von Unrechtsstaaten in demokratische Rechtsstaaten

Rechtlicher und politischer Wandel in Mittel- und Osteuropa am Beispiel Russlands

  • Mogelin, Chris