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Risultati 200-220 di 1523

Ancient Rome and India

commercial and cultural contacts between the Roman world and India

Le guerre galliche di Roma

  • Zecchini, Giuseppe 1952-


espace urbain et histoire : (1. siècle av. J.-C.-3. siècle ap. J.-C.) : actes du Colloque international organisé par le Centre national de la recherche scientifique et l'Ecole française de Rome : (Rome, 8-12 mai 1985)

Alessandro e la Germania

riflessioni sulla geografia romana di conquista

  • Braccesi, Lorenzo 1941-

Hegel, il mondo romano e la storiografia

rapporti agrari, diritto, cristianesimo e tardo antico

  • Bonacina, Giovanni

Moribus antiquis res stat Romana

römische Werte und römische Literatur im 3. und 2. Jh. v. Chr.

Die Welt im Kopf

Raumbilder und Strategie im Römischen Kaiserreich

  • Hänger, Christian

Princes and political cultures

the new Tiberian senatorial decrees

  • Rowe, Greg

Greek and roman historians

information and misinformation

  • Grant, Michael 1914-2004

Flavian Rome

culture, image, text

The Roman middle republic politics religion, and historiography c. 400-133 B.C.

papers from a conference at the Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, September 11-12, 1998

History of Rome

a documented analysis

  • Ridley, Ronald T.