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Risultati 320-340 di 1007

On humane governance

toward a new global politics : the World order models project report of the Global civilization initiative

  • Falk, Richard A.

International theory

critical investigations

  • Der Derian, James

La mondialisation

  • Moreau Defarges, Philippe

Wozu noch Staaten?

zu den Funktionen eines modernen demokratischen Rechtsstaats in einer zunehmend überstaatlichen Welt

  • Saladin, Peter

Ethics in international relations

a constitutive theory

  • Frost, Mervyn

Out of evil

new international politics and old doctrines of war

  • Chan, Stephen

Simulating sovereignity

intervention, the state, and symbolic exchange

  • Weber, Cynthia

Holding the line

borders in a global world

Communitarian international relations

the epistemic foundations of international relations

  • Adler, Emanuel

Sir Harold Nicolson and international relations

the practitioner as theorist

  • Drinkwater, Derek

The conservation of enemies

a study in enmity

  • Hartmann, Frederick H.

Ways of war and peace

realism, liberalism, and socialism

  • Doyle, Michael W.

Neighbors and strangers

the foundamentals of foreign affairs

  • Polk, William Roe