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Risultati 100-120 di 301

The struggle for market power

industrial relations in the british coal industry, 1800-1840

  • Jaffe, James A.

Enterprise and labour

from the eighteenth century to the present

Labour law and industrial relations of the European Union

Maastricht and beyond: from a commmunity to a union

  • Blanpain, Roger

Labour movements, employers and the state

conflict and co-operation in Britain and Sweden

  • Fulcher, James

Mensch und Betrieb

1. Nurnberger Sozialwissenschaftliche Woche, 3. bis 8. September 1951

  • Nurnberger Sozialwissenschaftliche Woche 1. 1951

Economic and political changes in Europe

implications on industrial relations : 3. european regional congress, Bari, Naples, 23-26 september 1991

A History of British industrial relations, 1939-1979

industrial relations in a declining economy

Reflexive labour law

studies in industrial relations and employment regulation

L'intelligenza del lavoro

quando sono i lavoratori a scegliersi l'imprenditore

  • Ichino, Pietro

Quaranta anni nel dialogo sociale

dal conflitto alla concertazione

  • Capo, Giuseppe

International and comparative industrial relations

a study of industrialised market economies

Die Zwangsvollstreckung in Gesellschaftsanteile und die materiellrechtlichen und prozessualen Mittel zu ihrer Durchsetzung

eine rechtsvergleichende Studie zum deutschen und US-amerikanischen Recht

  • Anders, Dietmar

Risultati 100-120 di 301