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Risultati 480-500 di 2756

Die telomtheorie

  • Zimmermann, Walter


the storage of developmental information

  • Raven, Christiaan Pieter

Solubility modelling in condensed matter

dielectric continuum theory and nonlinear response : Stockholm 2002, doctoral dissertation, Royal institute of technology, Department of physics

  • Sandberg, Lars

Cell shape and surface architecture

proceedings of the ICN-UCLA symposium held at Squaw Valley, California, March 7-12, 1976

Depressed metabolism

proceedings of the first international conference on depressed metabolism, Washington, D.C., August 22-23, 1968

  • International conference on depressed metabolism 1. Washington 1968

Effects of ionizing radiation on seeds

proceedings of the symposium on the effects of ionizing radiations on seeds and their significance for crop improvement jointly sponsored by the International atomic energy agency and the Food andagriculture organization of the United nations and held at Karlsruhe, 8-12 August 1960.

  • Symposium on the effects of ionizing radiations on seeds Karlsruhe 1960

Les anomalies végétales

leur cause biologique

  • Vuillemin, Paul