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Risultati 100-120 di 247

Into the kill zone

a cops eye view of deadly force

  • Klinger, David

Public order

a global perspective

Police officers handbook

an introductory guide

  • Stering, Robert

Plural policing

the mixed economy of visible patrols in England and Wales

  • Crawford, Adam

Street justice

a history of police violence in New York City

  • Johnson, Marilynn

Police leadership

  • Haberfeld, M. R.

Good Cops

the case for preventive policing

  • Harris, David A.


policing your homeland, your state, your city

  • Safir, Howard

Police administration

an introduction

  • Stone, Alfred R.

Stoning the keepers at the Gate

societys relationship with law enforcement

  • Blum, Lawrence N.

Critical issues in policing

contemporary readings

  • Dunham, Roger G.

The job

23. precint

  • Schulman, Arlene

Risultati 100-120 di 247