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Risultati 140-160 di 3252

La croissance de la production 1960 -1980

expérience, perspectives et problèmes de politique économique

Markets and democracy

participation, accountability and efficiency

Between development and underdevelopment

the precocious attempts at industrialization of the periphery, 1800-1870 : les tentatives précoces d'industrialisation de la périphérie

Uneven growth between interdependent economies

a evolutionary view ontechnology gaps, trade and growth

  • Verspagen, Bart

Alle radici della fame

il controllo multinazionale dei semi e dei pesticidi, nuovo meccanismo di sottosviluppo

Trasformazioni strutturali e competitività dei sistemi locali di produzione

rapporto sul cambiamento strutturale dell'economia italiana

  • Isde-Cnr

The history of development

from Western origins to global faith

  • Rist, Gilbert

Sustainable development and geographical space

issues of population, environment, globalization and education in marginal regions

Politica meridionalista e localizzazione industriale

dalla Legge Pastore all'Alfa Sud

  • Barbato, Luigi

Sozialgeschichte der industriellen Arbeitswelt

ihrer Krisenformen und Gestaltungsversuche

  • Michel, Ernst

Information technology

social and spatial perspectives : proceedings of an International conference on information technology and its impact on the urban-environmental system held at the Toyohashi university of technology, Toyohashi, Japan, November 1986

  • International conference on information technology and its impact on the urban-environmental system Toyohashi 1986

Oltre i limiti dello sviluppo

rapporto al Club di Roma

  • Pestel, Eduard

Risultati 140-160 di 3252