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Risultati 1-20 di 164


I. Untersuchung des vor Enderby-Land gedredschten Gesteinsmateriales

  • Zirkel, Ferdinand


orogenic andesites and related rocks


  • Ashwal, Lewis D.

Experimental and natural rock deformation

proceedings of the international Symposium: Darmstadt, February 17-18, 1969

Die Entstehung der Gesteine

ein Lehrbuch der Petrogenese

Igneous rocks

composition, texture and classification description occurence

  • Iddings, Joseph Paxson

L' emploi du microscope polarisant

caractères optiques des minéraux des roches taillés en lames minces. Leur détermination

  • Bertrand, Léon

Volcanic textures

a guide to the interpretation of textures in volcanic rocks

  • McPhie, Jocelyn


  • Raymond, Loren A.


the Poldervaart treatise on rocks of basaltic composition

Theoretical petrology [+]

  • Barth, Thomas Fredrik Weiby

Experimental petrology

basic principles and techniques

  • Edgar, Alan D.

Risultati 1-20 di 164