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Risultati 40-60 di 278

The impact of oil shocks

economic models and cross country analysis

  • Bechini, Federico

Le pétrole [+]

géologie, prospection, exploitation, répartition géographique, l'industrie pétrolière dans le monde

  • Flandrin, Jacques

Il totem nero

petrolio, sviluppo e conflitti in Basilicata : antropologia politica di una provincia italiana

  • Alliegro, Enzo Vinicio

Le pétrole

économie et politique

  • Ayoub, Antoine

Earthquake behavior and safety of oil and gas storage facilities. buried pipelines and equipment

presented at 1983 international symposium on lifeline earthquacke engineering, the 4th national congress on pressure vessel and piping technology, Portland, Oregon June 19-24, 1983

Il sangue della terra

atlante geografico del petrolio : multinazionali e resistenze indigene nell'Amazzonia Equadoriana

Saudi Aramco and its world

Arabia and the Middle East : a revised edition of Aramco and its world, 1981

Il petrolio [+]

una storia antica

  • Novelli, Luciano

Gli idrocarburi

origine, ricerca e produzione

  • ENI

Il re nero

petrolio, risorse naturali e le regole che governano il mondo

  • Wenar, Leif

Les termes petroliers

dictionnaire anglais-francais

  • Arnould, Michel

Die Schmiermittel ihre Art, Prüfung und Verwendung

Ein Leitfaden für den Betriebsmann

  • Ascher, Richard

Traffico petroliero nel Mediterraneo

aspetti ambientali e implicazioni economiche

  • Bilardo, Ugo


the oil counter-revolution of the 1980s

Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1978-1988

Proceedings of the conference held in Stavanger, Norway, September 9-12, 1990

  • Conference on giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1978-1988 Stavanger 1990