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Risultati 40-60 di 138

The wars within

peoples and states in conflict

  • Williams, Robin M. jr.

Atlas des minorites en Europe

de l'Atlantique a l'Oural : diversite culturelle

Les minorités dans le monde

faits et analyses

  • Yacoub, Joseph

Bevolkerunsgruppen und Minoritaten

Handbuch der ethnischen, sprachlichen und religiosen Bevolkerungsgruppen der Welt

  • Kraas-Schneider, Frauke


the quest for understanding

  • Connor, Walker

The ethnic question

conflicts, development, and human rights

  • Stavenhagen, Rodolfo

Protection of cultural and religious minorities

leadership for International Peace and Security

Appartenenza e pregiudizio

psicologia sociale delle relazioni interetniche

  • Mazzara, Bruno M.

The rights of minorities in Europe

a commentary on the European framework convention for the protection of national minorities


appartenenza e diritti nella società dell'immigrazione

  • Zanfrini, Laura