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Risultati 20-40 di 441

La monarquia en Mexico


  • Delgado, Jaime 1949-

La poblacion negra de Mexico

estudio etnohistorico

  • Aguirre Beltran, Gonzalo

El libro de mis recuerdos

narraciones historicas, anecdoticas y de costumbres mexicanas anteriores al actual estado social

  • García Cubas, Antonio TO0V158630

Collision of worlds

a deep history of the fall of Aztec Mexico and the forging of New Spain

  • Carballo, David M.

Peasant and nation

the making of postcolonial Mexico and Peru

  • Mallon, Florencia E.

Invasion and transformation

interdisciplinary perspectives on the conquest of Mexico

Del Archivo secreto Vaticano

la iglesia y el estado mexicano en el siglo 19.

  • Ramos, Luis

Legacy of Vicente Guerrero

Mexicoʼs first black Indian president

  • Vincent, Theodore G.

The war for Mexico's west

Indians and Spaniards in New Galicia, 1524-1550

  • Altman, Ida

From colony to nationhood in Mexico

laying the foundations, 1560-1840

  • McEnroe, Sean F.

Mexican American colonization during the nineteenth century

a history of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands

  • Hernández, José Angel 1969-