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Risultati 1080-1100 di 8835

Changes health care instrumentation due to microprocessor technology

proceedings of the IFIP-IMIA (TC4) working conference on changes in health care instrumentation due to microprocessor technology, Rome, Italy, 6-8 February, 1980

  • IFIP-IMIA (TC4) working conference on changes in health care instrumentation due to microprocessor technology Rome 1980

Poème de la médecine

Cantica Avicennae

  • Avicenna

Pathologie du système nerveux

(bulbe, nerfs craniens, méninges, moelle)

Oeuvres philosophiques de Cabanis

  • Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges

Die Apologie der Heilkunst

eine Griechische Sophistenrede des fünften vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts

  • Hippocrates


un approccio olistico alla biologia derivato dai dati patologici nell'uomo

  • Goldstein, Kurt

Tradiciòn e innovaciòn de la medicina latina antigüedad y de la alta edad media

actas del coloquio internacional sobre los textos médicos latinos antiguos

  • Coloquio Internacional sobre los textos medicoslatinos 4. 1992 Santiago de Compostela

Mit Skalpell und Nadel

das abenteuerliche Leben einer Chirurgin

  • LaRoe, Else Kienle


the politics of difference in medical research

  • Epstein, Steven A.

Instrumentation in medicine

essays by members of the Department of chemical physics and bio-engineering, Western regional hospital board, Glasgow

Medical microbiology

quality cost and clinical relevance

  • Bartlett, Raymond C.