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Risultati 1960-1980 di 6342

Proofs from the book [+]

  • Aigner, Martin 1942-

Easy as p?

an introduction to higher mathematics

  • Ivanov, Oleg Aleksandrovič

Esercizi di matematica

  • Pellacani, Gabriele

Matematica e internet

risorse di rete in matematica, produzione di materiale matematico, comunicazione in rete, percorso guidato

  • Arpinati, Anna Maria

The Arnoldfest

proceedings of a conference in honour of V. I. Arnold for his sixtieth birthday

Mathematics towards the third millennium

convegno internazionale, Roma 27-29 maggio 1999

Mathematics and necessity

Essays in the history of philosophy

History of mathematics

  • Smith, David Eugene 1860-1944

Entre arithmétique et algèbre

recherches sur l'histoire des mathématiques arabes

  • Rāshid, Rushdī

Epistemology versus ontology

essays on the philosophy and foundations of mathematics in honour of Per Martin-Löf