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Risultati 1760-1780 di 4785


the philosophy of structuralism and post-structuralism

  • Harland, Richard

First person singular

papers from the Conference on an oral archive for the history of American linguistics (Charlotte, N.C., 9-10 March 1979)

  • Conference on an oral archive for the history of american linguistics Charlotte 1979

Gramática, semántica, universales

estudios de lingüística funcional

  • Coseriu, Eugenio

Interferente lingvistice

din istoria relatiilor lingvisticii cu alte stiinte

  • Stati, Sorin

Johan Nicolai Madvig

the language theory of a classical philologist

  • Hauger, Brigitte

Hrda Mánasa

sbornik statei k 70-letiju so dnia rozdenija professora Leonarda Georgievica Gerzenberga : studies presented to Professor Leonard G. Herzenberg on the occasion of his 70-birthday

Roland Barthes

uno sguardo politico sul segno

  • Calvet, Louis-Jean

Linguistique générale et romane

études en allemand, anglais, espagnol et français

  • Malmberg, Bertil


Semantische Studie over den Indo-Germanische Wortel DEIK-

  • Gonda, J.

Nach-Chomskysche Linguistik

neuere Arbeiten von Berliner Linguisten