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Risultati 160-180 di 729

Verso un nuovo liberalismo

le proposte politiche e sociali di John Stuart Mill

  • Pichetto, Maria Teresa

The divine charter

constitutionalism and liberalism in nineteenth-century Mexico

Le sacrifice et l'envie [+]

le liberalisme aux prises avec la justice sociale

  • Dupuy, Jean-Pierre

Law and liberalism in the 1980s

the Rubin lectures at Columbia University

Autonomy and rights

the moral foundations of liberalism

  • Spector, Horacio

Liberalism under siege

the political thought of the French doctrinaires

  • Craiutu, Aurelian

Echec au liberalisme

Les jacobins e l'etat

  • Jaume, Lucien

The German idea of freedom

history of a political tradition

  • Krieger, Leonard

The light that failed

a reckoning

  • Krastev, Ivan

Why voice matters

culture and politics after neoliberalism

  • Couldry, Nick

Un autre Risorgimento

la formation du monde libéral dans le Royame des Deux-Siciles : (1815-1856)

  • Delpu, Pierre-Marie