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Risultati 60-80 di 455


a revolution in theatre

  • Luckhurst, Mary

Ingresso a teatro

guida all'analisi della drammaturgia

Faire jouer l'espace dans le theatre romantique europeen

essai de dramaturgie comparee

  • Zaragoza, Georges

Home on the stage

domestic spaces in modern drama

  • Grene, Nicholas

Stages of engagement

US theatre and performance, 1898-1949

  • Polster, Joshua E.

La recita del potere

il dramma di famiglia nel teatro europeo

  • Bredsdorff, Thomas

European medieval drama, 1997

papers from the Second international conference on Aspects of European medieval drama : Camerino, 4-6 July 1997

  • International conference on Aspects of European medieval drama 2. Camerino 1997


a study in poetics

  • Cave, Terence