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Risultati 60-80 di 4397

Demarcating the disciplines

philosphy, literature, art


  • Épinay, Louise Florence Pétronille Tardieu d'Esclavelles marquise d'

Il silenzio e le parole [+]

il pensiero nel tempo della crisi

  • Rella, Franco

Rhétorique nègre au 18. siècle

des récits de voyage à la littérature abolitionniste

  • Diop, David 1966-

The Holocaust short story

  • Mueller, Mary Catherine

Stanford studies in language and literature

1941, fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Stanford University


  • Orkin, Martin

Blaubart als neuer Mythos

von verbotener Neugier und grenzüberschreitendem Wissen

  • Neubauer-Petzoldt, Ruth

The demon of noontide

ennui in western literature

  • Kuhn, Reinhard Clifford

The end of the line

essays on psychoanalysis and the sublime

  • Hertz, Neil

The reader's eye

visual imaging as reader response

  • Esrock, Ellen J.


zu Ästhetik und Hermeneutik des Fehlgehens