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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 120-140 di 175

Innovazione tecnologica, valore economico e mercati finanziari

un'analisi basata sulla teoria delle opzioni reali

  • Oriani, Raffaele 1975-

Managers and innovation

strategies for a biotechnology

  • Howells, John

Il nuovo nomos della terra

profili storici e sistematici dei nessi tra innovazioni tecnologiche, ordinamento spaziale, forma politica

  • Ortino, Sergio

Ivory tower and industrial innovation

university-industry technology transfer before and after the Bayh-Dole Act in the United States

Acquiring, adapting and developing technologies

lessons from the Japanese experience

Organizations and technical change

strategy, objectives and involvement

  • Preece, David

Knowledge emergence

social, technical, and evolutionary dimensions of knowledge creation

Machine dreams

economics becomes a cyborg science

  • Mirowski, Philip

Innovation networks and knowledge clusters

findings and insights from the US, EU and Japan

Risultati 120-140 di 175