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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1120-1140 di 3363

Vibration analysis, analytical and computational

presented at the 1991 ASME design technical conferences, 13th biennial Conference on mechanical vibration and noise, September 22-25, 1991, Miami, Florida

  • Conference on mechanical vibration and noise 13. Miami 1991

Composite materials

testing and design (Fifth conference), New Orleans, La., 20-22 March, 1978

  • Conference on composite materials 5. New Orleans 1978

Advances in composite materials

proceedings of the third International conference on composite materials, held in Paris, 26-29 August, 1980

  • International conference on composite materials 3. Paris 1980

1980 annual book of ASTM standards

  • American society for testing and materials

Linee guida per l'applicazione nel settore meccanico della Norma UNI-EN 29001

  • Centro regionale ricerca, consulenza tecnologica, verifica qualità prodotti, processi e certificazione dei sistemi qualità San Lazzaro di Savena (Bo)

Corrosion fatigue

mechanics, metallurgy, electrochemestry, and engineering : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committees E-9 on Fatigue ... [et al.], St. Louis, Missuri, 21-22 Oct., 1981

Meccanica applicata

  • Timoshenko, Stephen P.

NACE international book of standard

  • National association of corrosion engineers