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Risultati 600-620 di 3363

The probability tutoring book

an intuitive course for engineers and scientists (and everyone else!)

  • Ash, Carol

Delamination and debonding of materials

a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committees D-30 on high modulus figers and their composites and E-24 fracture testing : Pittsburgh, Pa., 8-10 Nov. 1983

Advances in damage mechanics

metals and metal matrix composites

  • Voyiadjis, George Z.

Third nordic symposium on computer simulation in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics

lathi, finland, august 25-26, 1989Physica scripta.. Vol. t33

  • Kaski, K.

Principles of nanotechnology

molecular-based study of condensed matter in small systems

  • Mansoori, G. Ali

I ponteggi

tipologie, norme, tecniche costruttive

  • Macchia, Cesira

Traité des matériaux

3, Caractérisation expérimentale des materiaux II

  • Martin, Jean-Luc

Les aciers thermomécaniques

une nouvelle génération d'aciers à hautes performances

Proceedings of the fourth southeastern conference on theoretical and applied mechanics

held in New Orleans, Luisiana, February 29th-March 1, 1968

  • Southeastern conference on theoretical and applied mechanics 4. New Orleans 1968

Materials handbook [+]

an encyclopedia for purchasing agents, engineers, executives, and foremen

  • Brady, George Stuart