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Risultati 140-160 di 16777

The Hindu woman

  • Cormack, Margaret Lawson

The caste system in Tamil Nadu

  • Pillay, Kolappa Pillay Kanakasabhapathi

Linguistic minorities and literacy

language policy issues in developing countries

Le razze umane

  • Vallois, Henri Victor

Women in the Soviet countryside

women's roles in rural development in the Soviet Union

  • Bridger, Susan

Madri forti, moglie deboli

la disugualinza del genere

  • Johnson, Miriam M

The gift of generations

Japanese and American perspectives on aging and the social contract

  • Hashimoto, Akiko

The economics and politics of race

an international perspective

  • Sowell, Thomas

Les esclavages en Méditerranée

espaces et dynamiques économiques

Some wore bobby sox

the emergence of teenage girls' culture, 1920-1945

  • Schrum, Kelly

Sub corona vendere

Quellenkritische Studien zu Kriegsgefangenschaft und Sklaverei in Rom bis zum Ende des Hannibalkrieges

  • Welwei, Karl-Wilhelm

Risultati 140-160 di 16777