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Risultati 220-240 di 1482

Das Dritte Reich im Überblick

Chronik, Ereignisse, Zusammenhänge

Europa und der Reichseinsatz

ausländische Zivilarbeiter, Kriegsgefangene und KZ-Häftlinge in Deutschland, 1938-1945

Dimensione e diversificazione

le dinamiche del capitalismo industriale

  • Chandler, Alfred D.

The fruits of fascism

postwar prosperity in historical perspective

  • Reich, Simon

Empire in the Heimat

colonialism and public culture in the Third Reich

  • Sandler, Willeke

Weimar, cent'anni dopo

la storia e l'eredità: bilancio di un'esperienza controversa

  • Wirsching, Andreas

The German way of war

from the Thirty Yearsʼ War to the Third Reich

  • Citino, Robert M.

La prova dell'estraneo

cultura e traduzione nella Germania romantica : Herder, Goethe, Schlegel, Novalis, Humboldt, Schleiermacher, Hölderlin

  • Berman, Antoine


Gesammelte Aufsatze

  • Petersen, Jens

Enlightened nationalism

the transformation of Prussian political culture: 1806-1848

  • Levinger, Matthew

The transformation of political culture

England and Germany in the late Eighteenth Century

La Germania e le future coalizioni politiche a base economica

Italia, Germania, Russia, Turchia, Cina : le responsabilità della guerra ed i suoi problemi giuridici, politici ed economici

  • Stein, Wolf. C. L.

Anticipating total war

the German and American experiences, 1871-1914

Le travail et la nation

histoire croisée de la France et de l'Allemagne

In the shadow of catastrophe

German intellectuals between apocalypse and enlightenment

  • Rabinbach, Anson