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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 120-140 di 258

Global geomorphology [+]

an introduction to the study of landforms

  • Summerfield, Michael A.

Geomorphology in environmental management

an introduction

  • Cooke, Ronald U.

Theoretical geomorphology

  • Scheidegger, Adrian Eugen

Incised channels

morphology, dynamics and control

  • Schumm, Stanley A. 1927-


form and process in alluvial channels

  • Richards, Keith


concepts, software, applications

I.A.H.R. Symposium on River, coastal and estuarine morphodynamics

proceedings, September 6-10 1999, Genova, Italy

  • I.A.H.R. Symposium on river coastal and estuarine morphodynamics Genova 1999

Chemical sediments and geomorphology

precipitates and residua in the near-surface environment

Fantasia in geomorphology

reprint of "To make geomorplogy more scientific" and its supplemental discussion

  • Yatsu, Eiju