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Risultati 440-460 di 1636

The geology of Switzerland

an introduction to tectonics facies

  • Hsü, Kenneth J.

Memorias del 12. congreso geologico de Bolivia

Tarija, 10-13 de octobre de 1996

  • Memorias del congreso geologico de Bolivia 12. Tarija 1996

Geology of México

celebrating the centenary of the Geological society of México


abstracts : 26. Congrès géologique international, Paris 7-17 juillet 1980

  • Congres Geologique International 26. Parigi 1980

Workshop [on] conservation and development of natural resources in Cyprus

case studies : soils, groundwater. mineral resources : proceedings

Le tunnel sous la Manche

geologie et geotechnique : actes des journees d'etudes organisees par l'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses : Paris, 31 mai-1. juin 1989

Beyond the Golden Gate

oceanography, geology, biology, and environmental issues in the Gulf of the Farallones

Tectonics of circum-pacific continental margins

proceedings ot the 28th international geology congress, 9-19 July 1989

  • International geological congress 28. Washington 1989

The Rhenish Massif

structure, evolution, mineral deposits and present geodynamics

The Manson impact structure, Iowa

anatomy of an impact crater