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Risultati 120-140 di 277

O problema moderno da hora

  • Mattos, Allyrio Hugueney: de

L'année géophysique internationale

1957-1958 : participation de la Belgique

  • Lahaye, Edmond

Submarine geology and geophysics

proceedings of the seventeenth symposium of the Colston research society held in the University of Bristol, April 5th-9th, 1965

Nuclear geology

a symposium on nuclear phenomena in the Earth sciences

La Terre planète inconnue

l'Année géophysique

  • Barnier, Lucien

Proceedings of the International seminar on earthquake engineering

held under the auspices of the Federal government of Yugoslavia and of Unesco, Skopje, 29 September to 2 October 1964 : tenu sous les auspices ...

10th workshop italian research on antarctic atmosphere and SCAR workshop on oceanography

Roma, 22-24 October 2003

  • Workshop on Italian research on Antarctic atmoshere 10. Roma 2003

World geothermal congress

Florence, Italy, May 18-31, 1995

  • World geothermal congress Firenze 1995