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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 360-380 di 1439


  • Cove, David John

Test di mutagenesi

  • Abbondandolo, Angelo

Genetica umana

  • Sansone, Gennarino

Applied genetics

the technology of inheritance

  • Paterson, David


  • Guyénot, Emile

Biochemical markers in the population genetics of forest trees

proceedings of the joint meeting of the working parties S2.04-01 Population genetics and ecological genetics and S2.04-05 Biochemical genetics of the International union of forest research organizations, Porano, Italy, October 1988

Dati genetici e diritti fondamentali

profili di diritto comparato ed europeo

  • Stefanini, Elisa

Nonviral vectors for gene therapy

lipid- and polymer-based gene transfer


  • Altenburg, Edgar

The organization of heredity

  • Lewis, Kenneth Roderick