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Orientamenti bioetici per i test genetici [+]

sintesi e raccomandazioni, 19 novembre 1999

  • Comitato nazionale per la bioetica

Il gene VIII

  • Lewin, Benjamin

International symposium on the nucleolus

its structure and function : held at Montevideo, Uruguay December 5-10, 1965

  • International symposium on the nucleolus, its structure and function Montevideo 1965


  • Rabaud, Étienne 1868-1956

The science of genetics

an introduction to heredity

  • Burns, George Washington

Genetic explanations

sense and nonsense

B chromosomes

  • Jones, Robert Neil

Genes V

  • Lewin, Benjamin

Developmental genetics

  • Gottlieb, Frederick

Scienza, tecnica e rispetto dell'uomo

il caso delle cellule staminali

Glossary of genetics

classical and molecular

  • Rieger, Rigomar