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Risultati 200-220 di 538

Das kleine pflanzenphysiologische praktikum

Anleitung zu pflanzenphysiologischen Experimenten für Studierende und Lehrer der Naturwissenschaften

  • Detmer, Wilhelm 1850-1930

The rhizosphere

  • Curl, Elroy Arvel

From molecular mechanisms to the plant

an integrated approach : 10. FESPP congress, Florence, Italy, September 9 - 13, 1996

  • Federation of european societies of plant physiology

Modern aspects of pH

with special reference to plants and soils

  • Small, James

Photosynthesis III

photosynthetic membranes and light harvesting systems

Selezione di linee cellulari di Daucus carota con alterata attività alcool-deidrogenasica

caratterizzazione dell'adh e metodi di selezione : tesi di laurea

  • Giusti, Veronica