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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 120-140 di 360

Atti del congresso scientifico

Roma, Palazzo dei Congressi, E.U.R. : 3. rassegna internazionale elettronica nucleare

  • Rassegna internazionale elettronica nucleare 3. Roma 1956

International symposium on production and decay of heavy flavors

  • International symposium on production and decay of heavy flavors Stanford University 1987

Lo >stato solido, atomi e legami

  • Colombo, Umberto 1927-2006

Flavour mixing and CP violation

proceedings of the fifth Moriond workshop : La Plagne-Savoie-France, January 13-19,1985

  • Moriond workshop 5. La Plagne, France 1985

The atomic nucleus

  • Evans, Robley Dunglison

Elastic and diffractive scattering 2

proceedings of the second international conference on elastic and diffractive scattering, the Rockefeller University, New York City, USA, October 15-18, 1987

  • International conference on elastic and diffractive scattering 2nd New York 1987

The nucleon-nucleon interaction

experimental and phenomenological aspects

  • Wilson, Richard

La frantumazione dell'atomo

come si è pervenuti a liberare l'energia subatomica e a produrre le esplosioni

  • Giorgi, Giovanni