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Risultati 1700-1720 di 4285

Surveillance médicale des travailleurs exposés aux radiations ionisantes

actes officiels du symposium international tenu à Stresa (Italie) du 2 au 5 mai 1961

  • Euratom

Fermion Regge poles and the asymptotic behaviour of backward meson-nucleon scattering

theoretical seminars on Regge poles held in October 1962

  • Kinoshita, Toichiro

SLAC Workshop on high energy electroproduction and spin physics

February 5-8, 1992, Stanford linear accelerator center, Stanford university

  • SLAC Workshop on high energy electroproduction and spin physics SLAC (California) 1992

Elsevier's dictionary of nuclear science and technology

in six languages : English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German

  • Clason, W.E.

Perspectives in particle physics and field theory

XIV Triangular meeting Paris-Roma-Utrecht : Roma, April 4-7, 1990, Accademia nazionale dei lincei, Pal. dell'auditorio

  • Triangular meeting Paris-Roma-Utrecht 14. Roma 1990

Operation and development [+]

quarterly report n. 2, April-June 1960

  • CERNProton synchrotron machine group

The sixth Trieste conference on particle physics

[Miramare, Trieste] 26-30 June 1978 : (contributions)

  • Workshop on nuclear and particle physics at intermediate energies with hadrons Miramare, Trieste 1985

Critical phenomena at surfaces and interfaces

evanescent x-ray and neutron scattering

  • Dosch, Helmut

Proceedings of the 28th EGAS Conference of the European group for stomic spectroscopy

Technische universität Graz, Austria, 16-19, July 1996

  • European group for atomic spectroscopy

Les applications des rayons X

physique, chimie, métallurgie

  • Trillat, Jean Jacques