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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 2720-2740 di 4285

Particle physics

beyond the standard model

  • École d'été de physique des Houches 84 Houches 2006

Beyond the desert 2002

accelerator, non-accelerator and space, approaches in the new millennium : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Accelerator, Non-Accelerator and Space Approaches, Oulu, Finland, 2-7 June 2002

  • Beyond the Desert 2002 Oulu, Finland 2002

Elastic and diffractive scattering 2

proceedings of the second international conference on elastic and diffractive scattering, the Rockefeller University, New York City, USA, October 15-18, 1987

  • International conference on elastic and diffractive scattering 2nd New York 1987

Der Aufbau der Materie

Drei Aufsätze über moderne Atomistik und Elektronentheorie

  • Born, Max

Atomic Physics 9

  • Van Dyck, Robert S., jr.

Light-cone physics

particles and strings : proceedings of the international workshop TRENTO 2001, Trento, Italy 3-11 September 2001

  • International workshop on light-cone physics Trento, Italy 2001

Linear collider constraints

some implications for future accelerators

  • Lawson, John David

'97 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories

proceedings of the 32. rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, March, 15-22, 1997

  • Rencontre de Moriond 30. Les Arcs ; France 1997

Vibrational spectra and structure of polyatomic molecules

being an essay in commemoration of the fortieth anniversary of the National university of Peking

  • Wu, Ta-You