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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 2560-2580 di 4285

Elementary particles and the laws of physics

the 1986 Dirac memorial lectures

  • Feynman, Richard P.

DIS '99

proceedings of the 7th international workshop on deep inelastic scattering and QCD, DESY Zeuthen, Germany, 19-23 April, 1999

  • International workshop on deep inelastic scattering and QCD 7th Zeuthen, Germany 1999

EVC-2, european vacuum conference & AIV-11, national vacuum congress

Trieste, Italy, May 21-25, 1990 : proceedings

  • European vacuum conference 2. Trieste, Italia 1990

Nuclear structure.

Vol. 1: Single particle motion

  • Bohr, Aage

Les quarks

8e session, Gif-sur-Yvette, 7-15 sep. 1976, Ecole d'été de physique des particules

TAU 2000

proceedings of the 6th international workshop on tau lepton physics : Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 18-21 september 2000

  • International workshop on tau lepton physics 6 Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) 2000

Nuclear madness

what you can do!

  • Caldicott, Helen

Electronic and atomic collisions

abstracts of papers of the seventh international conference on the physics of electronic and atomic collisions, VII ICPEAC : Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 26-30 July, 1971. Vol. 1