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[2éme] congrès international conference on mechanical and physical behaviour of materials under dynamic loading = International Conference on Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, september 19-23, 1988, Ajaccio, France

  • Congrès international sur le comportement mécanique et physique des matériaux sous sollicitations dynamiques 2 Ajaccio 1988

Solid state physics.

Vol. 21: Advances in research and applications

Solid state physics.

Vol. 15: Advances in research and applications

Many-body theory of solids

an introduction

  • Inkson, John C.

Solid state physics.

Vol. 13: Advances in research and applications

Solid state physics.

Vol. 9: Advances in research and applications

Bose-Einstein condensates in dilute trapped atomic gases

Troisième cycle de la physique en Suisse Romande, Juin 2001

  • Fetter, Alexander L.

Handbuch der physik.

Vol. 7, part 2: Kristallphysik 2

Solid state physics.

Vol. 31: Advances in research and applications

Solid state physics.

Vol. 35: Advances in research and applications

Phonons and phonon interactions

Aarhus summer school lectures, 1963

Solid state physics.

Vol. 26: Advances in research and applications